Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Hadees No 30/learn and teach the Quran. Story of Hazrat Abu baqer and his love for Quran and recitation.


Day .31...Hadees No 30  (Alhamdolilah) 👇🏃‍♂️
🌷Aslam-O-Alaikum Dear members.
Our today's Hadees is Down 👇

The Topic of the Hadith of the Day is to learn and teach the Quran.

This hadith is our Last hadith of The task we set before started teaching hadiths in this way.( I hope we will do more later, In sha Allah). I'm very being grateful for Allah that He made me done this work. I'm just thinking while typing that the topic of the last hadith is provoking me to start to learn and teach Qur'an more deeply. Our children need to understand the Quran in such a way that they would able to read this Holy book in such a way that they run to this book whenever they would occur a problem. This book would be their handbook. While I was searching the story of this hadith, I read about the companions of Prophet Muhammad. They were a true lover and Alim of this book. I think we should compile and read all the stories to our kids about their love and deep knowledge of the Quran. How many of you would like to start a new session like Quran learning for kids? How many of you would like to Just get videos of those stories of Seerah and companions? Or we could do some activities to understand many things in Qur'an. I did and intended to do more activities on birds and animals mentioned in Qur'an with crafts and many other resources. Or we could start something other.
Here is the link of the stories of companions of Holy ProphetSAW about learning, teaching and understanding the Quran.....Stories 
I hope I will upload videos for kids with this hadith and stories at my channel Islam for kids. Till then please Read the story with hadith yourself.

In the end, don't forget to write Hadith in the Hadees book. And share the picture of the Hadith for other activities you did for this Hadith. So that your kids would get the certificate of completing their Ahadith. May Allah make it easy for you.

Note: -Spread this Hadith with your family and friend so that more people would get benefit from it.

ان احادیث کو انگلش میں بھی اپلوڈ کیا جا رہا ہے.اور گروپ میں بھی دوبارہ سیشن شروع ہو چکا ہے جہاں پر ہفتہ وار عملی کام  اور حدیثیں کہانیوں کے ساتھ شیر کی جاتی ہیں. چاہیں تو ابھی جوائن کر سکتے ہیں شکریہ 

کہانی اور حدیث کا ترجمہ اور تفسیر نیچے دیا جا رہا ہے.بچوں کو وڈیو دکھائیں اور ساتھ ساتھ ان  کے سوالوں کا جواب بھی دیں. اگر اس واقعہ کو تفصیل سے پڑھنا ہے تو آاپ انگلش والے سیکشن میں موجودلنک میں پڑھ سکتے ہیں

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